By Mark Yanai

Company Retreat 2015

For the past three years, F&L has held a company retreat to celebrate its staff and culture. Owners, Art and Randy, usually dedicate an entire afternoon for all staff to “retreat”  from work and gather together for some culture-based fun.



Our most recent retreat was held on April 24th at the Kokokahi YWCA in Kaneohe. Our Culture Club, a group of volunteer employees that serve as a sounding board for the organization, planned everything from the food to the fun. After a sandwich and salad bar lunch, we introduced new employees, recognized significant achievements, and took a look at our mission, vision and values – past, present and future.

Included in our activities were interactive group bonding games of kite building, golf ball dropping and relay racing. Everything was done with our Values in mind: Nurturing Relationships, Integrity, Contribution, and Embracing Change and Encouraging Growth.

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Back in 2012, an organization called Delivering Happiness coached us to focus on the company’s Mission Statement, Core Values and Higher Purpose. As a group, we used what inspired us most to come up with a new mission statement with improved values. It was this workshop that turned us into  a values-based organization, using our company culture to delivering fun and happiness to our patients and community.

Since then, we’ve had an annual “Delivering Happiness” retreat that reminds us of our new mission and values and teaches us how we can live them each day. We practice gratitude in our culture and hope that it will renew our commitment to our patients to deliver the best care possible.
