Welcoming our Fall NEU PT Students!
Aloha Clare!
For the next 6 months, Clare and her NEU PT classmates will be working and learning at F&L. Please be sure to welcome her when you see her at our Kailua clinic and Kokokahi pool.
What school did you attend in high school and what is your current college?
I grew up in Madison, Connecticut which is a small town by the beach and went to a high school a few towns
over called Sacred Heart Academy. I went on to earn my undergraduate degree at Sacred Heart University,
where I majored in Biology and minored in Chemistry. There I was also part of the club tennis team and actively
involved in many other campus activities. I took a gap year after graduating to work as a PT Aide and gain
experience in the field before continuing on with post-baccalaureate education at Northeastern University in
their DPT Program.
What drew you to physical therapy?
During my time in undergrad I became very interested in physical health and wellness after taking Anatomy &
Physiology as part of my courses, as well as other courses focused on health and nutrition. This interest led me
to shadow at a PT clinic, which I continued to do throughout undergrad. After graduation I worked as a PT aide
full time and the experience only solidified my interest in Physical Therapy as a career. I enjoyed the time spent
getting to know patients one on one, the relationships that were built, and the many life long benefits that
physical therapy could provide.
Why did you want to do your co-op in Hawaii?
The opportunity to do this co-operative experience in Hawaii was so unique that it immediately interested me.
The chance to live and work in a place that had such a reputation for beautiful scenery and culture as well as a
work experience that was focused on treating the whole person not just the injury was too good to pass up. I
knew this would be the experience of a lifetime that would allow me to grow both personally and academically.
What has been your experience like so far?
I have felt extremely welcomed by the community since being here, from coworkers to patients I have
interacted with and other locals I have met. It has been great getting to know the people while at the same time
experiencing hikes with amazing views, hidden waterfalls in the mountains, snorkeling with turtles, and all the
local food. All in all I would say the experience has been exciting and adventurous!

What's the strangest thing that you've eaten since arriving?
The strangest thing I have eaten since arriving would have to be fresh caught sea urchin! My first weekend
here I was invited to go to the West side of the island to go snorkeling at Electric Beach. While there, a local
caught a sea urchin and I was able to try some of it fresh right on the beach!
What is on your to-do list while here?
While I definitely plan on going on as many hikes and adventures as possible while here, one thing in particular
I want to experience while here is skydiving. The views are incredible from the top of a mountain after a hike,
but I look forward to seeing them from even higher!
What kind of therapist do you hope to be?
I think it is important have a holistic approach to treatment, and to be able to be creative and empathetic in
order to treat the individual and not just the injury. I try to approach patient interactions in this way now, and
hope to continue to practice once I become a fully licensed Physical Therapist.
Who is your greatest influence in your life?
The people who are the greatest influence in my life are definitely my parents, who work tirelessly to give
myself and my siblings the best opportunities possible and who inspire me to do the same!